What is Regenerative Therapy
Fountain of Youth Medical Spa in Victoria, Texas offers Regenerative Treatment under the expert supervision of Dr. Nhi Le. First of all you should know what is regenerative therapy and how it works. Regenerative therapy is the most promising way to promote the response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissues. It is also termed as regenerative medicine using regenerative cells or their derivative to regenerate cells in the body. There are two primary sources of extracting regenerative cells that are used for treatment. The first type of regenerative cell is Embryonic; these regenerative cells are derived from embryos. However, the second type of regenerative cell is derived from the patient’s body itself and they are known as adult regenerative cells.
Under the guidance and direction of Dr. Nhi Le, regenerative cells are harvested from your own body, purified, and then injected back into the treatment area. The entire process is relatively fast and painless, making this an ideal treatment for busy patients who are looking for restoration. The patients of Dr. Nhi Le are experiencing lower levels of pain, better joint mobility, enhanced energy levels and better vitality with many other health benefits. The regenerative cell therapy ensures the enhanced physical wellbeing.
Diseases can get Cured with Regenerative Therapy
There are numerous diseases that can be cured with regenerative therapy. Underlying are some of the most appropriate health issues where the regenerative therapy has already shown its miraculous effects.
- Joint pain
- Certain type of cancer
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Skin rejuvenation
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Hair restoration
- Vaginal restoration
Joint Pain Treatment
Joint pain affects hundreds of Americans and it’s severity is increasing day by day as the pain limits sporting activities, work productivity and daily activities. At Fountain of Youth Medical Spa, many patient’s who are suffering from chronic knee pain, painful knee surgery or knee replacement surgery get correct recommendation by a physician. We offer regenerative cell knee injection treatment in Victoria to patients who want to postpone knee surgery. The cost is more beneficial than a surgery and rehabilitation program. We are one of the leading providers in the Victoria, Austin and nearby Texas area in treating knee pain with autologous regenerative therapy techniques.
It’s time to unlock the restorative healing powers of regenerative therapy. Talk to the Fountain of Youth Medical Spa in Victoria, Texas today to schedule your regenerative therapy consultation. You can call us directly at 361-576-9100.