Fountain of Youth Medispa located in Victoria, is pleased to offer Restylane® and Perlane®fillers for the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles. These are among the top cosmetic injectables, and are destined to give you a well-needed beauty lift. There is no doubt that our faces change with time, but Restylane® and Perlane®, can give you that natural beauty lift you desire.
Both these dermal injectables are biodegradable gels, and are made from a natural substance called hyaluronic acid.The fillers are injected into the skin in small amounts,using a very fine needle. After treatment, you will immediately notice the change in your skin. It will be smoother and softer, and what’s more, the results will stay with you for a long time.

Restylane® & Perlane® Treatment Areas
Restylane® and Perlane® are commonly used to volumize, enhance, or correct specific areas such as the lips, and nasolabial folds. They are also used to correct under eye bags, and enhance cheekbones, as well as correct nose deformity.
The results of Restylane® generally lasts 4-6 months, while those for Perlane® can last up to 12 months. There is usually no allergy testing required for these fillers.